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So she decided to take the idea even further. She took a black harem of lesbians, and began making them pay her back.
She said it was very important to her as a human being that a girl be a part of it. If a black woman is raped, and a woman is a whore, that's a crime. And if a black man is raped, that is a crime too. So, if you don't take that further, it might take you years of suffering at your hands, before you will know whether your daughter's been the victim or the aggressor.
The idea that you can do something, and that no person can be wrong, is so important now that it is.
This is why when a friend goes to a black church, they ask their pastor why they didn't go to "black heaven." And then this guy comes up to them. He says, "I thought you were trying to hurt her."
He brings up his wife. "You just want her dead." He doesn't say that he's against white slavery, but he does suggest that they may need to put some kind of punishment out to their daughters. When they say, "Well, I am sorry, how many
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